According to Boxrec, there were 7,191 boxing events (63,573 bouts) in the past 12 months worldwide. USA 1,598 boxing events accounting for 27% of the total. That is more than the sum of the next 4 countries combined.
Boxing events are not necessarily connected to the wealth of a nation. Argentina, Mexico, and Russia are not known for their economic strength yet hosted 676, 488, and 294 events respectively in the last 12 months.
In comparison, Vietnam hosted 12 events in the same period. With over 100 million in population and one of the largest amateur boxer population, VBO estimates that Vietnam should be hosting approximately 100~200 events per year. That is roughly 15 events per month.
The question should be focused around how to make it easier for people to host boxing events, starting with 4 rounds of boxing focused on debuting boxers who are beginners in professional boxing. Safety of boxers are very important but often that concept is misused to scare noninformed public.
Most injuries that boxers sustain are from three main areas:
1. Not enough rest between fights.
2. Excessive weight reduction before the fight.
3. Previous injuries that are left unattended.
While mismatch can be a big problem, this is the fault of the referee/supervisor for not stopping the fight when needed. Unfortunately, this is one skill that can not be learned in a classroom but through experience. This is why developing high quality boxing ring officials is so important and difficult to do. No amount of training or certificates can replace actual experience in the ring. Just like boxers, officials also need consistent events to practice and sharpen their skills.
What are your thoughts to make 15 events/month a reality in Vietnam?
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