Vietnams first Pro Boxing Series, brought to you by VSP Promotions.

Aims to introduce more fighters in to the pro-ranks.


February 25, 2023




March 25, 2023


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Lorence Rosas sitting


Catch all the action from last weekend's VSP PRO, and the best of the Philippines and Vietnam Boxing talent at VSP PROMOTIONS YouTube

Lorence Rosas sitting

Trần Quang Lộc thắng điểm

Trần Quang Lộc thắng điểm đồng thuận trước Bùi Việt Hoàng tại hạng cân 61kg

Màn so găng hấp dẫn từ hai võ sỹ đã giành thành tích tốt ở giải trẻ quốc gia và đặc biệt đến từ hai đội boxing kình địch là Hà Nội và Quân đội. Đây cũng là trận đấu cuối của sự kiện VSP Pro 3 và hai võ sỹ đã mang đến bầu không khí phấn khích khi chủ động nhập cuộc tích cực và liên tục trao đổi đòn.

Tốc độ, lối di chuyển linh hoạt và cách tung ra combo đòn 1-2 đặc trưng là lợi thế của Quang Lộc. Trong khi đó Việt Hoàng cho thấy sự chủ động trong tiếp cận, duy trì cự ly áp sát và tung ra những đòn đấm vòng bằng cả hai tay đạt độ chuẩn xác cao.

Cả 3 hiệp đầu thế trận không hoàn toàn nghiêng về tay đấm nào. Tốc độ cực nhanh cùng những màn trao đổi đòn liên tụ của hai võ sỹ khiến khán giả hưng phấn. Trong hiệp đấu cuối cùng Việt Hoàng phần nào ghi điểm với 2 tình huống đấm móc trúng đích lợi hại. Những bước di chuyển ngẫu hứng trước khi ra đòn của Việt Hoàng cũng khiến Quang Lộc khó phán đoán để phòng thủ tốt.

Khép lại một trận đấu căng thẳng, màn công bố kết quả cũng "nóng" không kém khi Quang Lộc được cả 3 trọng tài chấm điểm cao hơn và đồng nghĩa với chiến thắng đồng thuận cho tay đấm trẻ của Quân Đội. Kết quả này rõ ràng đã khiến Việt Hoàng và BHL Hanoi Boxing Academy ngạc nhiên. Đáng tiếc cho Việt Hoàng bởi ở sự kiện VSP Pro 2 anh cũng đã thi đấu tốt nhưng chỉ có 1 kết quả hòa đồng thuận trước Phan Minh Quân.

Lorence Rosas sitting

Nguyễn Văn Hải thắng điểm

63,5kg: Nguyễn Văn Hải thắng bằng tính điểm đồng thuận trước Hà Minh TuấnTrận so găng thú vị giữa những tay đấm ở hai thế hệ. Nguyễn Văn Hải là tay đấm cựu trào từng vô địch quốc gia nhiều năm và giành huy chương quốc tế. Còn Hà Minh Tuấn đến từ Hanoi Boxing Academy từng giành HCB giải các CLB, HCV giải trẻ và thắng 1 trận ở sự kiện VSP Pro.Trận đấu này rất được chờ đợi nhưng thực tế trên ring Văn Hải đã nhanh chóng tỏ rõ bản lĩnh kinh nghiệm dày dạn và sức nặng cú đấm vượt trội đàn em. Một đòn đấm vòng tay phải uy lực của Văn Hải và serie đòn ngay sau đó tưởng như đã kết liễu trận đấu ngay trong hiệp 1.Cũng phải dành cho Minh Tuấn lời khen khi tay đấm trẻ từ Hà Nội đã trụ vững thêm 2 hiệp đấu dù bị đàn anh dồn ép và liên tục hứng đòn từ những cú móc, jab và body-shot như búa bổ của Văn Hải. Bước sang hiệp cuối cùng, Minh Tuấn có thêm 2 tình huống jab và đấm vòng ấn tượng, nhưng sự chênh lệch vẫn nghiêng hẳn về Văn Hải.Chiến thắng bằng tính điểm đồng thuận cho tay đấm 35 tuổi Văn Hải. Theo tiết lộ ở cuộc phỏng vấn sau trận, Văn Hải sẽ nỗ lực tập luyện để chuẩn bị cho 1 trận tranh đai vô địch vào cuối năm nay.

Lorence Rosas sitting

Huỳnh Thị Vũ Duyên thắng điểm

Huỳnh Thị Vũ Duyên có chiến thắng trước Hoàng Thùy Linh trong trận đấu nữ duy nhất tại VSP Pro 3

Huỳnh Duyên nhập cuộc chủ động, tích cực ra đòn và cũng đạt hiệu quả tốt hơn hẳn võ sỹ trẻ 17 tuổi Thùy Linh đến từ Hanoi Boxing Academy. Những combo đòn 1-2 và đòn đấm móc của Huỳnh Duyên giúp cô ghi điểm. Ngược lại, Thùy Linh dù sở hữu chiều cao tốt 1,7m nhưng tỏ ra chậm chạp và ra đòn thiếu hiệu quả.

Bước sang hiệp 2 Thùy Linh chủ động tạo ra sức ép khi tiếp cận và liên tục ra combo đòn đấm móc bằng cả hai tay. Tuy vậy, độ sát thương không đạt mấy hiệu quả khi Huỳnh Duyên phòng thủ tốt. Thậm chí tổ hợp đòn chuẩn xác của Huỳnh Duyên còn giúp cô ghi điểm cuối hiệp. Rõ ràng, tay đấm từng giành HCV Cup CLB, HCV giải trẻ, Huỳnh Duyên vẫn vượt trội.

Kịch bản trận đấu không thay đổi ở những hiệp còn lại khi Huỳnh Duyên với sự linh hoạt trong di chuyển và kết hợp combo đòn tốt hơn tiếp tục ghi điểm với những cú đấm nặng ký chuẩn xác. Kết thắng điểm đồng thuận (3-0) cho Huỳnh Duyên trước Thùy Linh, tay đấm từng giành HCĐ giải trẻ 2020 là hoàn toàn thuyết phục.

Lorence Rosas sitting

Võ Lê Trung Long thắng điểm

Võ Lê Trung Long thắng điểm đồng thuận trước Nguyễn Quí Thịnh tại hạng 63,5 kg sự kiện VSP Pro 3

Trung Long bắt đầu bằng những cú jab tay trái cực nhanh và sau đó là combo đòn đấm móc suýt chút nữa đã tạo ra khác biệt. Tuy vậy, tay đấm Quý Thịnh cũng rất biết cách phản đòn khi bị đối thủ dồn ép. Hiệp 1 cả hai võ sỹ đều tích cực ra đòn nhưng sự vượt trội rất khó phân định.

Bước sang hiệp 2, Trung Long bắt đầu tỏ rõ sự nhỉnh hơn. Combo đòn đấm móc bằng cả hai tay và cú jab của tay đấm này khiến Quý Thịnh dính những đòn nặng nề. Thế nên dù có 1 tình huống phản đòn hiệu quả thì hiệp đấu này Quý Thịnh vẫn lép vế thấy rõ.

Khá bất ngờ khi hiệp 3 Trung Long dính vết cắt nhỏ bị chảy máu ở đuôi mắt phải. Ở hiệp đấu này dù không vượt trội nhưng Quý Thịnh lại tạo ra 3 tình huống ra đòn tay sau hiệu quả. Trong khi đó Trung Long sau nửa đầu hiệp phần nào bị ảnh hưởng bởi vết rách ở đuôi mắt đã tìm lại nhịp thi đấu và có 1 cú jab hiệu quả ở nửa cuối hiệp.

Sang hiệp đấu cuối cùng Quý Thịnh xuống sức thấy rõ, anh gần như không có đòn nào hiệu quả. Ngược lại tay đấm từ Bình Dương boxing team, Trung Long đã tìm lại được sự kiểm soát như 2 hiệp đầu và tung ra những đòn đấm móc cực nặng. Ở những giây cuối cùng Quý Thịnh chỉ còn biết chống đỡ hoặc chủ động giữ khoảng cách né đòn. May mắn cho tay đấm đến Manny Boxing Cần Thơ khi anh tránh được kết quả bị knock-down.

Chiến thắng bằng tính điểm đồng thuận (3-0) cho Trung Long hoàn toàn xứng đáng.

Lorence Rosas sitting

Vũ Văn Hải thắng điểm

Thái Hoàng Huy gây ấn tượng ở VSP Pro 2 với chiến thắng TKO, nhưng đối thủ tối nay của anh là võ sỹ kỳ cựu 34 tuổi từng tập nhiều môn võ và đã thi đấu ở giải võ thuật tổng hợp Lion Championship 2022, Vũ Văn Hải. Lối di chuyển khá ngẫu hứng và combo trả đòn bằng những cú đấm móc và đấm vòng của Văn Hải khiến Hoàng Huy rất khó tiếp cận và thậm chí còn dính đòn.

Hiệp 2 mọi thứ trở nên tốt hơn cho Hoàng Huy khi anh có 1 cú phản đòn tay sau và 1 cú đấm vòng chuẩn xác. Dù có phần ức chế vì lối di chuyển và động tác khiêu khích từ Văn Hải nhưng rõ ràng Hoàng Huy đạt hiệu quả ra đòn tốt hơn ở hiệp đấu này.

Tình huống đáng chú ý ở hiệp 3 đó là Văn Hải chủ động khiêu khích, nhưng anh lại hớ hênh hạ cả hai tay thõng xuống và nhanh chóng dính combo đòn của Hoàng Huy. Ở hiệp đấu này Văn Hải tiếp tục bị trọng tài nhắc nhở thái độ thi đấu cũng như ra đòn phạm quy khi dùng mu bàn tay. Cả hai đều có thêm những cú đấm móc thành công, nhưng không ai tỏ ra vượt trội ở hiệp này.

Ở hiệp đấu cuối cùng Hoàng Huy ghi thêm điểm với 1 tình huống jab hiệu quả, nhưng võ sỹ trẻ này cũng tỏ rõ sự ức chế và quá khích trước lối đánh của đối thủ. Thêm một hiệp đấu không có đột biến và kết quả cũng mang đến sự bất ngờ đôi chút khi Văn Hải thắng điểm không đồng thuận (2-1). Đây là chiến thắng đầu tiên của Vũ Văn Hải trên sàn boxing pro.

Lorence Rosas sitting

Nguyễn Hoàng Thắng thắng điểm

Nguyễn Hoàng Thắng thắng điểm đồng thuận trước Nguyễn Thành Phong ở  hạng 67kg VSP Pro 3.

Thành Phong tiếp cận chủ động và có đòn đấm móc hiệu quả trong hiệp 1, nhưng Hoàng Thắng cũng rất nhanh tìm cách điều chỉnh cự ly khoảng cách để giảm sự hưng phấn cũng như sự nguy hiểm từ đối thủ.

Hiệp đấu thứ 2 không có nhiều đột biến mà tốc độ của trận đấu chỉ được đẩy lên cao ở hiệp 3 với những pha chủ động ra đòn của Hoàng Thắng. Tay đấm đến từ Hà Nội từng vô địch giải Boxing trẻ và giải CLB quốc gia đã phần nào cho thấy kinh nghiệm bằng những tình huống di chuyển hiệu quả và tung ra những đòn đấm móc chất lượng.

Trong hiệp đấu cuối cùng ưu thế nghiêng rõ rệt hơn về Hoàng Thắng. Một trong số những cú đấm móc uy lực của Hoàng Thắng đã khiến Thành Phong dính đòn khá nặng. Nỗ lực dồn ép và ra đòn của Thành Phong giảm rõ rệt sự hiệu quả vì thiếu sự đột biến và bị đối thủ bắt bài..

Chung cuộc Hoàng Thắng được cả 3 trọng tài chấm điểm nhỉnh hơn và thắng tuyệt đối trước Thành Phong.

Lorence Rosas sitting

Trần Tấn Quang Đạo đã có chiến thắng

Trần Tấn Quang Đạo đã có chiến thắng đồng thuận trước Trần Ngọc Phương Hiếu trong trận mở màn VSP Pro 3.

Đòn tay sau, đấm móc, và cả những cú body-shot của Quang Đạo tiếp tục đạt hiệu quả cực tốt. Không ngạc nhiên khi võ sỹ kinh nghiệm hơn, tuân thủ tốt chiến thuật của BHL đã giành chiến thắng với điểm số tuyệt đối 3-0. Xin chúc mừng Trần Tấn Quang Đạo với chiến thắng đầu tiên trên sàn Boxing Pro, sau 3 lần thượng đài

Lorence Rosas sitting

VSP PRO 3, SUREPICK Winners, 10 Day Membership

We are excited to announce that the SUREPICK results for our latest event, VSP PRO 3 are here!

Congratulations to all the winners!

If you were one of the lucky winners, an email containing information on how to claim your prize will be sent to you soon.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the event, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at boxing@vietnamvsp.com.

For those of you who missed out on this opportunity, don't worry! The next SUREPICK event is just around the corner, and we'd love to keep you informed on when it's available for play. To receive updates, simply click the link below to fill out a Google form with your email address. We'll make sure you're among the first to know when the next SUREPICK event goes live.

Chúng tôi rất vui mừng thông báo rằng kết quả cho sự kiện SUREPICK mới nhất trên VSP PRO 3 đã được công bố, và chúng tôi xin chúc mừng tất cả các người chiến thắng! Nếu bạn là một trong những người may mắn chiến thắng, một email chứa thông tin về cách thức nhận giải thưởng sẽ được gửi đến bạn sớm. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc lo ngại nào liên quan đến sự kiện, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi tại địa chỉ boxing@vietnamvsp.com.

Đối với những người bỏ lỡ cơ hội này, đừng lo lắng! Sự kiện SUREPICK tiếp theo sẽ sớm diễn ra, và chúng tôi muốn thông báo cho bạn khi nó sẵn sàng để chơi. Để nhận thông tin cập nhật, chỉ cần nhấp vào liên kết bên dưới để điền vào một biểu mẫu Google với địa chỉ email của bạn. Chúng tôi sẽ đảm bảo rằng bạn sẽ là một trong những người đầu tiên biết khi sự kiện SUREPICK tiếp theo được mở.

Lorence Rosas sitting

VSP PRO 3, SUREPICK Winners, 1 Month Membership

We are excited to announce that the SUREPICK results for our latest event, VSP PRO 3 are here!

Congratulations to all the winners!

If you were one of the lucky winners, an email containing information on how to claim your prize will be sent to you soon.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the event, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at boxing@vietnamvsp.com.

For those of you who missed out on this opportunity, don't worry! The next SUREPICK event is just around the corner, and we'd love to keep you informed on when it's available for play. To receive updates, simply click the link below to fill out a Google form with your email address. We'll make sure you're among the first to know when the next SUREPICK event goes live.

Chúng tôi rất vui mừng thông báo rằng kết quả cho sự kiện SUREPICK mới nhất trên VSP PRO 3 đã được công bố, và chúng tôi xin chúc mừng tất cả các người chiến thắng! Nếu bạn là một trong những người may mắn chiến thắng, một email chứa thông tin về cách thức nhận giải thưởng sẽ được gửi đến bạn sớm. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc lo ngại nào liên quan đến sự kiện, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi tại địa chỉ boxing@vietnamvsp.com.

Đối với những người bỏ lỡ cơ hội này, đừng lo lắng! Sự kiện SUREPICK tiếp theo sẽ sớm diễn ra, và chúng tôi muốn thông báo cho bạn khi nó sẵn sàng để chơi. Để nhận thông tin cập nhật, chỉ cần nhấp vào liên kết bên dưới để điền vào một biểu mẫu Google với địa chỉ email của bạn. Chúng tôi sẽ đảm bảo rằng bạn sẽ là một trong những người đầu tiên biết khi sự kiện SUREPICK tiếp theo được mở.

Lorence Rosas sitting


We are excited to announce that the SUREPICK results for our latest event, VSP PRO 3 are here!

Congratulations to all the winners!

If you were one of the lucky winners, an email containing information on how to claim your prize will be sent to you soon.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the event, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at boxing@vietnamvsp.com.

For those of you who missed out on this opportunity, don't worry! The next SUREPICK event is just around the corner, and we'd love to keep you informed on when it's available for play. To receive updates, simply click the link below to fill out a Google form with your email address. We'll make sure you're among the first to know when the next SUREPICK event goes live.

Chúng tôi rất vui mừng thông báo rằng kết quả cho sự kiện SUREPICK mới nhất trên VSP PRO 3 đã được công bố, và chúng tôi xin chúc mừng tất cả các người chiến thắng! Nếu bạn là một trong những người may mắn chiến thắng, một email chứa thông tin về cách thức nhận giải thưởng sẽ được gửi đến bạn sớm. Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi hoặc lo ngại nào liên quan đến sự kiện, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi tại địa chỉ boxing@vietnamvsp.com.

Đối với những người bỏ lỡ cơ hội này, đừng lo lắng! Sự kiện SUREPICK tiếp theo sẽ sớm diễn ra, và chúng tôi muốn thông báo cho bạn khi nó sẵn sàng để chơi. Để nhận thông tin cập nhật, chỉ cần nhấp vào liên kết bên dưới để điền vào một biểu mẫu Google với địa chỉ email của bạn. Chúng tôi sẽ đảm bảo rằng bạn sẽ là một trong những người đầu tiên biết khi sự kiện SUREPICK tiếp theo được mở.

Lorence Rosas sitting

VSP PRO Returns to HCMC!

On March 25th, Ho Chi Minh City will once again host the highly anticipated professional boxing event, VSP PRO 3. This will be the third installment of the series, which has already gained a reputation for showcasing some of the most talented boxers in the country.

The event will feature both returning boxers who are looking to continue their professional careers, as well as debut fighters who are eager to make their mark in the sport. VSP PRO 2, which took place last month, was a thrilling event that left fans eagerly anticipating the next installment.

Boxing fans can expect a night of intense action and skillful displays of athleticism, as some of the most promising boxers in Vietnam take to the ring.

The event will be held at a VSP Boxing Gym in Ho Chi Minh City, and tickets are expected to sell out quickly. Fans who are unable to attend the event in person can still catch the action via live on VTV Cab and Youtube.

Overall, VSP PRO 3 is shaping up to be an exciting event, with an impressive lineup of talented boxers set to take center stage. Boxing enthusiasts and sports fans alike should not miss this opportunity to witness some of the most skilled fighters in Vietnam compete in the ring.

Lorence Rosas sitting

Nguyễn Văn Hải: A Real "Hit" at VSP PRO

Vietnam has recently seen the emergence of some great fighters, and Nguyen Van Hai is undoubtedly one of the greatest among them. The "Hanoi Hitman" is set to grace the ring once again, this time at VSP PRO #3 in HCMC. Fans are eagerly waiting for his showdown with promising young northern boxer Ha Minh Tuan, who has already made a mark with an impressive debut win in February at VSP PRO #2.

Nguyen Van Hai is a force to be reckoned with, and his appearance at Fortunes of War in Ho Tram last December was a testament to that fact. In a dominating performance, stopping unbeaten Indonesian prospect Paisal Panjaitan.

It's not just his impressive win record that makes him stand out, but his boxing skills and style that sets him apart from the rest. He has a deadly combination of speed, agility, and power that make him a dangerous opponent for anyone who dares to face him in the ring.

His upcoming bout at VSP PRO is a testament to his dedication and hard work. Fans are eagerly waiting to see him in action once again, and with his impressive track record, it's hard not to feel excited.

Nguyen Van Hai is a true icon in the world of Vietnamese boxing, and his legacy will undoubtedly continue for many years to come.

Lorence Rosas sitting


The Hanoi Hitman returns to the ring later this month at VSP Gym in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam.

Despite a wealth of various fight form experience, Hai is a relative newcomer to professional boxing.

He ventured to Manila in August 2022, and showed lots of ring rust when outpointed by the very promising and unbeaten Jerald Into.

But the granite featured Hanoi boxer made amends at his next bout in emphatic fashion - a stoppage victory over Indonesian prospect Paisal Panjaitan. Nguyễn Văn Hải dropped his opponent in the first, before finishing his task with power shots in round 3.

Nguyễn Văn Hải will be appearing at "VSP PRO" on Saturday March 25th at VSP Gym in District 1 HCMC.

Lorence Rosas sitting



Outstanding youth prospect Bùi Việt Hoàng made a big splash at his pro debut in February 2023. The Hanoi Boxing Academy protégée was exhilarating, fighting a Draw with and equally talented Phan Minh Quân from HCMC.

Hoàng returns to VSP PRO later this month, and gets an opportunity to open his professional account. Watch this northern boy - he is just turned 18 and may just end up one of Vietnam's best fighters !

Don't say we didn't tell you !!!

Latest blog posts

Elorde boxers
August 9, 2024


Newly crowned IBF World champion Pedro Taduran was at the offices of GAB today, with a recognition ceremony of his amazing achievement hosted by new Chairman Francisco Rivera. 

Taduran hoisted the title in Japan recently, pulling off an unthinkable victory by knocking out the unbeaten Ginjiro Shigeoka - a world #1 previously thought to be invincible. 

So what's next for Kid Pedro Heneral ???

Things are really hotting up in this division, which is now thriving with offensive talent. 

Golden Boy champion Oscar Collazo stands currently unbeaten, and holds the WBO belt.

Then there is a local derby possibility with the WBC champion Melvin Jerusalem. 

But what about the phenomenon that is Zhu DianXing ? 
This Chinese boxer has literally blasted through opponents, scoring 8 knockouts in his last 9 fights. 
He sits currently #2 on his country's P4P list behind the heavyweight Zhilei Zhang, and he could just be China’s next World Champion. 
And surely that would be a huge fight for Taduran also.

We are in discussions to see the Philippines champion defending his IBF belt as early as November, and if the numbers are right, Vietnam 🇻🇳 is favored to host it's very first WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE !!

Updates soon. Congratulations Pedro Taduran and the Elorde team on your wonderful achievement. 

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Elorde boxers
August 4, 2024


The Hoiana Legendary Boxing championship attracted many of the big bosses of this great sport - and none bigger than these two.

Ben Keilty from Australia made his first trip to Vietnam, and acted as Supervisor for the exciting IBF Title bout between China and South Korea. 

Daryl Peoples made the long trek from New Jersey, and the IBF President certainly added great caste to an already fantastic event. 
His presence was also a great thrill to all the boxers that were competing, and his efforts to lend his support did not go unnoticed. A true gentleman, and a true boxing man.

Thanks so much gents for the passion and knowledge you brought to Vietnam 🇻🇳 - and we look forward to welcoming you in the near future.
Elorde boxers
August 4, 2024


Some amazing and close bouts at the LEGENDARY International Boxing Event on Saturday night, which showcased 16 very talented fighters from 7 different countries.
Some scores were razor thin, where a few of the bouts could easily have been called a DRAW - but this one was !

Big kudos to future world title hopefuls Hu Longyi of China 🇨🇳, and Dennis Endar of the Philippines 🇵🇭.  
This was a bout that had the makings of the fight of the night, and these two guys delivered on that with interest !
Lots of debate on who won, but no debate on this - these two are headed for the top of the class.
Hu Longyi is one of the most technically skilled fighters that VSP are seeing right now, and Dennis Endar has a style and voracious work rate to give anybody fits !

Huge performance from these two boys - you MUST add both fighters to your "Watch List" - they are definitely going places.
Keep up the great work Hu Longyi and Dennis Endar, you gave your fans and countries plenty to cheer for !

#vietnamboxingorganization #vspboxing #cockybuffalo #Hoiana #vsppro #boxingvietnam #VSPPromotions #webthethao
Elorde boxers
August 3, 2024


Botswana, Cambodia, China, India, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. Working together to improve boxing.



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Elorde boxers
July 28, 2024


Elorde team's Pedro Taduran just pulled off the upset of the year, winning a round 9 stoppage over world #1 Ginjiro Shigeoka.
Taduran battered his Japanese opponent from the first round, and captured the IBF World Minimumweight title in the process. 
The incredible win redresses a terrible recent run of losses for Philippines 🇵🇭 boxers in Japan, and clearly stamps Pedro Taduran as the best fighter on the planet in this weight division.
Elorde boxers
July 25, 2024


Three Vietnamese fighters have been selected to perform at the "Legendary" boxing event next Saturday night. The show will host fighters from 7 countries, and Vietnam has strong chances in their bouts.
Dinh Hong Quân is without doubt the most experienced of the trio, and this HCMC based boxer is a winner of IBF championship belts previously. 
Quân will take on the current WBF champion from Indonesia, Paisal Panjaitan, a do or die style fighter who is very exciting to watch.

VBO will be adding to the international flavor, by inviting many more countries to Vietnam's first ever boxing convention. We will be hosting commissions, sanctioning bodies and industry participants from more than 12 countries - all coming together to make this sport prosper in the Asian region.

You can read more information about this landmark event here :
Elorde boxers
July 23, 2024


South Korean prospect Lee Juyeong is hoping that fans get to see the very best version of Botswana's Moabi Ngaka come August 3rd. 
The two fighters are scheduled to meet at the "Legendary" International boxing championship at the Hoiana Resort and Casino Vietnam. 
A win for Ngaka is essential if he wants to keep alive his hopes for a WBF title shot. 
But for the younger Lee Juyeong, his confidence is high of knocking out Ngaka, and is hoping that the African boxer is in his best shape and ready to put on a show. 

"I know my opponent is a great boxer, and I respect that he will travel to fight me. But I know he has no match for a long time, and I hope this will not make him give a bad performance. 
I have trained very hard to stop Ngaka, and make a beautiful victory. I will say to all the fans that Dream Boy will make it great. You will really love this fight - a lot !."

Moabi Ngaka is scheduled to fly out of Botswana on July 29th.

"LEGENDARY" International Boxing Event 
Hoiana Resort and Casino Sat August 3rd 

Lee Juyeong ( South Korea) v Moabi Ngaka (Botswana)
Super Featherweight 58kg 6 rounds
Elorde boxers
July 18, 2024


The Philippines runs very deep for talent in the flyweight class right now, and Davao's Dennis Endar is very indicative of the potential stars that are rapidly climbing those ranks.
The "Machine Gun" wll head to Vietnam next month to take on China's #1 Hu Longyi, a man many tipped to be a future world title contender. Longyi is a product of the Shenzen Jianzhi Pro Combat Academy, the same star factory that made main event boxer Zhu DianXing. 

But how do we best compare the champion Hu Longyi with Dennis Endar? 

BoxRec has Longyi listed at 41, with Endar at 82.
But more relevant is a common opponent - the unbeaten Angilou Dalogdog !
Dennis Endar fought a great battle with Dalogdog, only to lose by Unanimous Decision. It was a torrid bout, and it was obvious that both fighters would show improvements. 
But what was more interesting is that Dalogdog faced China’s Hu Longyi at his very next appearance.
This was a far closer match, which Longyi "lost" by split decision, but to keep it real - to say that the Chinese boxer was "unlucky" with the judges is an understatement. Longyi also dropped Angilou Dalogdog in this quality match.
Now that is all water under the bridge ! 
That was July of last year, and both boxers have improved another galaxy since then. 
And you would suspect that the Philippines 🇵🇭 boy may have the advantages in that regard.

The words coming out of MP Davao are sounding extremely confident !

 "We are excited for this opportunity to fight against a great boxer like this, but we are more than ready - Vietnam, the Machine Gun is coming your way on August 3rd !"

Dennis Endar 🇵🇭 v Hu Longyi 🇨🇳 
Flyweight 51kg 6 rounds 
LEGENDARY International Boxing Event 
Hoiana Resort and Casino on Saturday August 3rd

Read all the fight news here :

Elorde boxers
July 18, 2024


6 days out - and Nguyễn Văn Hải  🇻🇳 is taking the battle to the beautiful coastal city of Saint Petersburg in Russia. 
Nguyễn Văn Hải 6-2 Khurshidbek Rasuljonov 7-0
More news on this blockbuster coming soon.

Vietnam Boxing Organization always strives to create fantastic opportunities for Vietnam's athletes here and overseas !

#vietnamboxingorganization #vspboxing #VSPPromotions #vsppro #vbo
Elorde boxers
July 14, 2024


Amazing fight last night between super talented southpaw Jestine Tesoro and Elorde prodigy Jonniel Laurente. 
There was lots of to and fro action from these two dynamic fighters, who took the Philippines Games and Amusement Board Youth title the full ten rounds and to a points decision. 
This was a cracking fight, and despite the UD (97-93 97-93 96-92), Jestine had plenty of great moments and was really impressive in this bout.
Great work by Jonniel Laurente, who will surely be testing himself on foreign soil again in the near future. 

Foreign soil ? Don't forget our Vietnam show very soon !!

LEGENDARY international boxing event 
Hoiana Resort and Casino Saturday August 3rd 

Read about it here: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/448d129cf8.html
Elorde boxers
July 17, 2024


Top flight Vietnam 🇻🇳 Lightweight Dinh Hong Quân will return to the ring next month against Indonesia’s Paisal Panjaitan. 
Quân is well known in the Asian region, having staved off challenges from fighters of the calibre of Philippines' Delmar Pellio, Jules Victoriano and Arnel Baconaje in IBF title wins.
The Vietnam fighter was most recently sighted in March, scoring a comprehensive victory over Japan's Katsunori Endo, and a further win against Panjaitan will see Dinh Hong Quân right back in titles contention.

But Indonesia's 🇮🇩 Paisal Panjaitan represents a significant stumbling block. 
This young man is shaping as one of his country’s best fight prospects, winning his last two matches by knockout, and securing a WBF title in the process. 
This is a boxer that cares little for reputations, and will come with a determination that will require Dinh Hong Quân to produce a career defining performance. 

Dinh Hong Quân 🇭🇰 Paisal Panjaitan 🇮🇩 
Lightweight 61kg 6 rounds
LEGENDARY International Boxing Event 
Hoiana Resort and Casino on Saturday August 3rd

Booking info here : https://heyzine.com/flip-book/448d129cf8.html

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Elorde boxers
July 17, 2024


China's DianXing Zhu has a 2024 World title in his sights, but he has just one obstacle in his path.
A Philippines' boxer, hailing from the SanMan stable in the the southern island of Mindanao, going by the name of Jerry Francisco !!

DianXing Zhu and Jerry Francisco will wage war for the WBO Global title at the Hoiana Resort and Casino on Saturday August 3rd. 
A win in Vietnam secures the Chinese fighter a World Title shot to be held in Korea later this year.

The Chinese champion has been a virtual buzzsaw through recent opponents, whilst Francisco improved on his excellent 10-2 record with an impressive win in April of this year.

So how do these two main event stars line up ?

Zhu DianXing - China’s top ranked fighter comes to Vietnam this August with singular intent – to show that he is the best minimumweight fighter on the planet !!  
Zhu Dian matches up against the battle hardened Philippines’ war monger Jerry Francisco, and the Chinese boxer has been promised a World Title shot if he can score an impressive win. The stakes are huge in this main event for the WBO Oriental title, and if you have never witnessed this Chinese phenomenon before, you can be sure he won’t let this opportunity fall from his grasp. 
Zhu DianXing is a paradox. Almost meditative in his approach, he suffocates and then destroys the will of his opponents. His style is to start quite slowly, measuring his rivals, but then ramps up the volume and power to a level that other fighters simply can’t survive. And he likes to fight close – “phone box” close ! 
Now that you have got the idea, you can be sure that this main event will be BRUTAL !!!

Jerry Francisco – hails from General Santos City in the Philippines, a famous fight breeding ground that has spawned many of Asia’s best pugilistic talents, none more famous than 8 division world champion Manny Pacquiao ! 
Francisco is one of many from a long assembly line of talent hailing from southern Mindanao, but he has been given an extraordinarily difficult task if he is to hoist the WBO title – he first needs to dismantle a potential world champion named Zhu DianXing ! 
The 27 year old filipino comes to Vietnam with an impressive record deserving of his title shot. Francisco is a hard puncher with a quality chin, whilst his accuracy is greatest attribute. Testament to this fact is his ring monicker “Marksman” – and it will undoubtedly be the game plan of Team Francisco to time the Chinese champion with well placed counters, and to punch between the punches, that will surely come at escalating levels as the match progresses. 
History tells us that you cannot outwork Zhu DianXing - those that have tried have been dragged into deep waters and drowned ! 
To beat the Chinese champion - it requires smarts, patience and the skills of a “Marksman”.   

"Legendary" International championship boxing 
Hoiana Resort and Casino on Saturday August 3rd 

Event information and bookings :



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Elorde boxers
July 17, 2024


Welcome faces at Elorde Gym today were Philippines' best Charly Suarez and former national team mate and coach Delfin Boholst. 
Suarez has a pending fight in the States in September, but at this stage, no opponents are stepping up. The King's Warrior has been a heavily avoided fighter in his short pro career, and hopefully we see this future world champ suitably matched in this coming bout.
Pictured with the duo today are coach Jun Labandia, Giovanni Escaner, and of course the Queen herself, Her Majesty Cucuy Elorde.
Elorde boxers
July 12, 2024


Trần Tấn Quang Đạo sits amongst three Vietnamese boxers that have been invited to perform at a big international event in Danang next month.
The "Legendary" International professional boxing event will be the biggest sports show in Vietnam this year, and will host fighters from 7 visiting countries. 
The event will be headlined by two world class title fights, with combatants competing for WBO and IBF belts.
Đạo will take on China's Xu Senlin in a 4 round match at Super Lightweight 63.5kg

How do the two fighters line up ??:

Tran Quang Dao – this Vietnam fighter was lauded as the most improved performer of 2023, posting two excellent victories at VSP PRO, before a narrow and contentious points loss in his final bout that year. 
The Hanoi boxer brings a continually evolving skillset to the ring – beautiful variety on the jab, nice distance and timing on counters, and he works to search for angles so that he can work on both his inside and long game. 
Dao always provides a cerebral performance, and it will be very interesting to see where this technician is at for his first assignment of 2024.

Xu Senlin – this Chinese prospect arrives in Vietnam off the back of a last start stunning knockout performance in the amateur ranks.
Xu Senlin is a stablemate to the main event fighter, defending WBO champion Zhu DianXing, and fighters from that gym are famed for their cardio and durability. But this kid has power also, and his Vietnam opponent will need to be switched on for every second of this four rounder to ensure that he finishes on his feet. 
Xu Senlin is very tall, and despite his moderate hand speed, he does pack plenty of firepower. This man from China spells DANGER !


"Legendary" International boxing event 
Hoiana Resort and Casino Saturday August 3rd 

Fight information and bookings here :

#vietnamboxingorganization #vspboxing #Webthethao #vsppro #boxingvietnam #VSPPromotions #vbo #Quickom #cockybuffalo
Elorde boxers
July 12, 2024


South Korean 🇰🇷 hot prospect Lee Juyeong says he is destroying sparring partners ahead of his August 3rd clash in Vietnam with Moabi Ngaka. 
The bout will occur at a huge international event to be held at the Hoiana Resort and Casino in Danang. 

Lee Juyeong won two of his last three bouts, but was bitterly disappointed by his performance in a controversial points loss in January. But he is adament he will make amends against Botswana’s #1 boxer Moabi Ngaka. 

"I made a lot of mistakes in that fight, a bad game plan, and I lost to a very skilled boxer from Taiwan. But I was the more powerful fighter, and i believe I gave him too much respect. The match at Hoiana will be my chance to shine again."

"My opponent Moabi Ngaka is a great fighter, but I'm not afraid. I'm stronger and braver. I'll fight whoever comes. I want to tell Ngaka, let's make a great fight !"

The South Korean has been in devastating form in sparring, dropping two opponents and sending another to the hospital with a broken nose. And Lee Juyeong is determined to redeem his last start points defeat :

"I learn from my mistakes. 
I will knock out Moabi Ngaka - he is great, but he will learn also, that this fight is very different to what he gets at home."

Vietnam will play host to the "Legendary" international championship boxing event to be held at the Hoiana Resort and Casino on Saturday August 3rd. 
The card will showcase boxers from 7 countries - China, USA, Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea, Botswana 

Boxing event and booking information:

Asia Boxing Conference info and booking:

#vietnamboxingorganization #VSPPromotions #boxingvietnam #vspboxing #cockybuffalo
Elorde boxers
July 10, 2024


🇻🇳 Vietnam legend Nguyễn Văn Hải is officially headed to Russia after receiving his air tickets and visa today. The Hanoi Hitman will be accompanied by Coach Alejandro Belonguel to Saint Petersburg, where Hai will take on unbeaten Uzbekistan champion Khurshidbek Rasuljonov. 
Big thanks to the Vietnam Boxing Organization for creating a pathway for Vietnamese boxers to compete in prestigious international events such as this.

#vietnamboxingorganization #boxingvietnam #VSPPromotions #webthethao #Quickom #vbo #vspboxing
Elorde boxers
July 9, 2024


Let's GOOOOOOOO !!!!!

HCMC boxer Nguyễn Phi Khoa is one of three Vietnamese boxers that will head to Danang for the "Legendary" International boxing event early next month.
Khoa will face off with South Korea's 🇰🇷 Jung Jaewook - and the two combatants have been given the honor of kicking off the show as the first fight.
Nguyễn Phi Khoa may possibly be the least experienced fighter on the card, but he lacks nothing in confidence or grunt. He is also trained by the best :

"Nguyen Phi Khoa – this is the battle hungry debutant fighter out of HCMC Vietnam – and there is plenty of talk to say this boy will be very good. And you should believe the whispers, because Khoa is mentored by none other than Vietnam’s most recognized pro boxer – the world rated Tran Van Thao. 
Despite his inexperience, this strong bodied student has been described as a KILLER, so expect him to produce a very physical performance against his more vaunted opponent in this Hoiana bout. They say where there is a will, there is a way, and Team Khoa will do everything in their powers to gain a Vietnam victory in this exciting opening bout."

Enough said !! Vietnam 🇻🇳 is here to do the business !!!

"Legendary" International boxing event will be held at the iconic Hoiana Resort and Casino on Saturday night August 3rd. 

More information about the fights, and also special booking deals, can be found in the e-brochure :


#vietnamboxingorganization #vspboxing #webthethao #VSPPromotions #cockybuffalo #professionalboxing #vbo #Quickom
Elorde boxers
July 8, 2024


Top Davao prospect Dennis Endar is one of two pinoy selected for a huge international event to be held in Vietnam next month. Endar will join another Mindanao boxer Jerry Francisco, who will appear in the main event and contest the WBO Global title.
Dennis "Machine Gun" Endar will face China’s 🇨🇳 top rated Flyweight Hu Longyi over 6 rounds, in a bout that many consider maybe the fight of the night. And with good reason !

"Dennis Endar exciting Southpaw prospect hailing from Davao – a hotbed of boxing talent in Southern Philippines. 
23 year old Dennis Endar was responsible for one of the biggest wins of 2023 when he stopped the previously unbeaten Antonio Uy. This was simply an amazing performance where he dropped Uy no less than 3 times – a feat that had previously seemed impossible against his much hyped opponent. 
Endar has been rewarded for that big victory with inclusion at Hoiana, and this will be the Philippines’ boxer’s much anticipated first test on foreign soil. But be careful of what you wish for ! His opponent Hu Longyi of China represents another step up, and will surely provide a stern test of where this talented striker sits in the world scene right now."

Dennis Endar will fight at the Hoiana Resort and Casino on Saturday night August 3rd. 

You can read all the Vietnam fight and booking information here :
Elorde boxers
July 7, 2024


Elorde boxers
July 6, 2024


🎊✨️Congratulations to Max Sport Centre (MSC)🥊 on your grand opening! This is a significant milestone, especially for a center specializing in combat sports. Wishing you continuous growth, many new members, and becoming a trusted destination for boxing enthusiasts. May MSC achieve great success and bring immense value to the community.🎉👍🇻🇳

#grandopeningevent #boxingnews #vietnamboxing #professionalboxing
Elorde boxers
July 1, 2024


Vietnam Boxing Organization will preside over an historic international boxing event to be held in Danang on August 3rd. 
The Hoiana Resort will play host to the "LEGENDARY" show, which will be headlined by WBO and IBF title fights, and attract boxers from China, South Korea,Philippines, Africa, USA and Indonesia. 
Did we mention Vietnam ?

The great news is that 3 Vietnam 🇻🇳 boxers have been selected to compete - debutant Nguyễn Phi Khoa, and experienced pros Tran Tan Quang Dao and Dinh Hong Quân (a former IBF champion)
VBO would like to thank our hosts Hoiana Resort and Casino for making Vietnam boxers part of this great event, as it will provide a real incentive for other professionals who get way too few opportunities. 

#vietnamboxingorganization #Hoianaresortgolf #vietnamboxing
Elorde boxers
June 25, 2024



We are thrilled to introduce the first professional boxing event in Quangnam.  
The event will include 8 international bouts - featuring WBO GLOBAL & IBF ASIA title fights.  

The event will take place at the Hoiana Resort & Golf on August 3rd.

Details of the match ups coming soon.  

#vietnamboxingorganization #vbo #wbo #professionalboxing #boxing #Hoianaresortgolf
Elorde boxers
June 22, 2024


Looking forward to many great events this year in Vietnam. Thank you to The Grand Ho Tram Resort and Casino and Cocky Buffalo Promotions for another excellent show on Saturday night. 
Vietnam Boxing Organization will continue to strive for excellence and make this country a leader in this great sport.
More events coming this year !!
Elorde boxers
June 22, 2024


Face off today for tomorrow's event starting at 1pm .

Bakbakan sa Masbate II - Main Card Weigh-in
June 22 | 4 PM | Masbate Lagoon
ATK Promotions 

📌WBC Asia Continental Super Featherweight Championship
🇵🇭 Jeo Santisma - 129.8 lbs
🇹🇭 Arnon Yupang - 129.8 lbs

📌Philippine Featherweight Championship
🇵🇭 Michael Dasmariñas - 124.6 lbs 
🇵🇭 Jon Jon Estrada - 124.6 lbs

📌WBC ASIA Flyweight Championship
🇵🇭 Esneth Doningo - 112 lbs
🇵🇭 Enrique Magsalin - 112 lbs

📌WBF International Super Flyweight Championship
🇵🇭 Bienvenido Ligas - 115 lbs
🇵🇭 Alvin Camique - 115 lbs

📌WBF Australasian Super Bantamweight Championship
🇵🇭 Alex Santisima - 122 lbs
🇵🇭 Justine Darap - 120.6 lbs

*Fight will be televised live on Tap Sports via Cignal and Sky Cable
*For mobile and tablet users, download BlastTV on playstore/app store to access Tap Sports
Elorde boxers
June 22, 2024


In the old days, boxers copped their licks, picked themselves up, and moved on.
Fast forward to 2024 .......

For a guy that they mockingly referred to as an instagrammer with nothing but a left hook - Team Haney are certainly taking their beat down at the hands of Ryan Garcia quite badly !

"The Dream" salesmen have now announced plans to sue Ryan Garcia - a man who did nothing more than expose Haney as a useful but lower tier performer. 
The loss was so lopsided that many doubt Haney will be the same ever again. 
In fact, the light punching prospect has even admitted that he is mentally damaged by the beating he suffered at the hands of his "social media" opponent :

" So, it [the loss] affected me. 
My lawyers and my team will do that in court against Ryan Garcia, and we will take legal action because it has affected me. 
Not only financially but mentally. ”

But the legal representation for Ryan Garcia have had enough of the excuse making and babbling from the over rated Haney, and have returned serve with an emphatic statement of their own :

Ryan Garcia’s team have just issued a fresh statement where they mentioned that “one thing remains clear - Ryan Garcia beat Devin Haney, and this result will never be erased from the public.”

“There is a lot of misinformation being disseminated about Ryan Garcia.
However, the undisputed facts are as follows: his positive test was the result of contaminated supplements, of which he was unaware; the subsequent lab testing of the supplements proved to be in the billions of a gram; and, the two positive tests were in the billions and trillions, that every expert will attest to had absolutely no performance benefit. (Emphasis added)

“Regarding the weight issue, the Haney's could have chose to stop the fight, due to the weight clause, but instead, negotiated heavily and agreed to the "cash grab" and the fight.

“There was never an intent by Ryan, and the facts reiterate this, to gain an advantage over Haney. To be clear, Ryan Garcia's sole advantage over Devin Haney was that he is simply a superior fighter.

“Rest assured, there are multiple agendas that have been at play since Ryan's clear and convincing win against Haney, and all those agendas have been aimed against King Ryan.
No matter what those agendas are, one thing remains clear - Ryan Garcia beat Devin Haney, and this result will never be erased from the public and media.”

- Guadalupe Valencia, Darin Chavez Attorneys for RG.

Elorde boxers
June 19, 2024


 Some great fights are coming this Saturday from the idyllic Matayum lagoon in Cataingan, Masbate. 
Local boy Jeo Santisima stars in the main event against Thailand's Arnon Yupang for the WBC Asia Continental belt.
Esneth Domingo 19-2 takes on Enrique Magsalin for the WBC Asia Flyweight belt, while Ben Ligas and Alvin Camique are going to war in search of their first WBF Title. 
But the fight of the day is surely the showdown between Michael Dasmarinas and the Wolverine JonJon Estrada for the vacant RP National title. Hot'n Spicy Dasmarinas has been one of the Philippines' blue riband performers in recent years, and Estrada has notoriously been one of it's most violently effective !

The action for what promises to be a great card begins at 1pm, and is brought to you by ATK Promotions.
Elorde boxers
June 18, 2024


"Do the research look at similarities in style and career." - Devin Haney 

Devin and Bill Haney were only recently beating their drum to claim boxing's pound for pound status, yet shares in the "Chasing Greatness" team have dropped dramatically in recent times.

The marketing pitch of Team Haney started to look a little dubious after he was manhandled by a much smaller Vasyl Lomachenko, yet many were willing to give him a "pass" due to his credible performance against a technically superior and more experienced opponent. 
To be fair, it was a very good fight, and one that his supporters were hoping would leverage to greater performances.
But there were obvious cracks, and they were beginning to show. 

At times, Devin Haney appeared completely out of ideas - almost forlorn, against Loma. 
Father Bill was disturbingly quiet, and offered precious little in terms of technical solution when Haney was being run ragged by Lomachenko. It was this lack of corner direction that would haunt Haney once more when he later faced Ryan Garcia. 

Cynicism was enveloping Team Haney - "weight bully" "pillow fists" "glass jaw" - coined generic terms for sure, but certainly not ones to be associated with a P4P self proclaimed ! 
And the derision was becoming his constant traveling companion.

But Haney had a golden opportunity to put all that negative propaganda to bed. 
The plan was simple. 
Fight and defeat a very talented yet flawed boxer named Ryan Garcia - the guy is a flat footed instagrammer, with nothing but a left hook after all. 
Easy work surely !

Team Haney’s "Dream" turned into their worst nightmare fully realised. 
Weight bully, glass jaw and pillow fists were there for all to see - it was like that harrowing moment that you experienced as a kid when you found out that Santa wasn't real !

Okay - so the Team Haney hoax is now over. 
I think everyone fully accepts that.
The guy has no chin, no weapons, but hey - he is still a helluva talent, and even if just a measuring stick, he's still a guy worth watching isn't he ?

After Tank's epic win on Saturday night, Devin Haney was quick to tweet "Ready to get back n the mix". 

There is no doubt he has lots of options. 
Eddie Hearn said he fears for Haney against a puncher like Subriel Matias, but after his loss on the weekend, maybe he is now in calculations.
If not, who then ?

Who from this list does the P4P candidate beat ? :
Ryan Garcia, Teofimo Lopez, Pitbull Cruz, Liam Paro, Richardson Hitchins and just for the heck of it - Gervonta Davis and Shakur.
Word is, the Aussie Paro maybe his next big assignment. 

Perhaps none - but now that "the Dream" has now been debunked, there are many that will be cheering for this talented kid to get back off the canvas and regain lost credibility.

#vsppromotions #vspboxing #vietnamboxingorganization
Elorde boxers
June 18, 2024


this one might just go down very different to the script ?

On paper - Frank Martin has the requisite unblemished record, and he shapes as a worthy opponent for arguably the most "watchable" boxer on the world scene right now - Gervonta "Tank" Davis. 
Tank - the Mayweather prodigy, as technical as he is lethal, equal parts endearing yet formidable, his impish form even had the hairs on the back of Bernard Hopkins' neck stand at full attention.
So theoretically, this is a nice fight in the offing. 

Yet a closer look at Martin's resume yields  
"Hang on a minute ! 
Look at some of the wooden indians and crash test dummies this guy has beat." 
Upon detailed inspection, it seems obvious that Martin has been defeating guys not out of place at a Lord of the Rings casting call.
And now he gets to fight Gervonta Davis for a world title ????? 
How the hell does that work ?

Or is it ???

Why do we get that nagging feeling that this is indeed a fight, and more, that Tank might even be in deep here ? 
Is this the fight where Davis gets a litte over confident, a little sloppy, or is it more ?
Despite the weak opponents on his resume, Frank "the Ghost" Martin really does look the part !
He looks to be incredible shape this week in Vegas, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.

When asked why he’s so confident that he’ll be able to beat Davis this weekend, Martin gave this response.
“‘Cause I’m different. I got some things: I got speed, I got power, I got IQ. I feel like I got it all. Ya’ll gonna see. When it’s time to bite down, the world gonna see.
“We got this fight Saturday and I’m going to whoop his ass...we got Saturday to show who’s who.”

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we "do got a fight" this Saturday night !"

#vietnamboxingorganization #VSPPromotions #vspboxing
Elorde boxers
June 15, 2024


Professional boxing must be done in an approved sized boxing ring. It can be between 4.9m (16ft) to 7.3m(24ft) from one corner to adjacent corner. The ring must be 1m (3.2ft) in height. This is importan as it provides standard viewing angle of the judges. Tension of the ropes must be equal and aligned vertically. 4 ropes separated by 30cm in vertical distance. It is the role of the inspector to ensure that the competition arena meets both the technical and safety requirements before the contest. At VBO we look for 3 main areas.  
1. Ring surface must be even, not slippery, and without debris.
2. Ropes must not pose any cut risk to boxers.
3. Dimension of the ring, and the tension of the ropes must be within specifications.

#professionalboxing #boxing #vietnamboxingorganization #vbo #boxingring
Elorde boxers
June 13, 2024


Vietnam going global.
Nguyễn Văn Hải heads to Saint Petersburg Russia next month to take on Uzbekistan national champ and unbeaten monster Khurshidbek Rasuljonov. 

Hai's morning greetings to his opponent :
"Enjoy your cornflakes. 
We will meet soon my friend ! "
Elorde boxers
June 5, 2024


The Adrien Broner vs Blair Cobbs final press conference was even more wild than expected: "My n***as got guns with them. All I've gotta do is point and they're gonna blow."
It was hard to interpret Broner's rant.
Many saw that as a thinly veiled sexual reference from the gum chewing former prodigy, who has battled with compulsive disorder issues - even to the point of dry humping opponents during championship bouts
That aside, he tore off his shirt to show that Homer Simpson also comes in chocolate. 
All that aside, the salient question remains "do I still got it ?"
Blair "the Flair" Cobbs shapes as a credible enough opponent, with only one loss on his resume. 
The tall southpaw steps out for the first time since beating Maurice Hooker by UD back in 2022, but he has enough gravitas to help us guage whther there is a path ahead for the enigmatic Adrien Broner.
The two entertaining boxers will battle for their future at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood Florida this Friday night.
Friendly advice to Blair the Flair : Do not turn your back on Broner, he'd hump a table leg given half a chance.
Elorde boxers
June 1, 2024


Đứng trước cơ hội cuối cùng để giành thêm vé cho Boxing Việt Nam dự Olympic Paris 2024, nữ võ sĩ Hà Thị Linh đã không bỏ lỡ cơ hội khi góp mặt trong trận play-off hạng cân 60kg.

Đối đầu Vilma Viitanen (Phần Lan), Hà Thị Linh có hiệp 1 thi đấu tốt với những pha chủ động vào đòn tầm gần, giúp cô giành chiến thắng 10-9 trên 4 bảng điểm của các giám định.

Sang hiệp 2, Viitanen tăng áp lực khi biết bị dẫn điểm. Hà Thị Linh đáp trả bằng các tổ hợp đòn đánh nặng khi di chuyển lùi. Điểm số 20-18, 20-18, 19-19, 19-19, 19-19 trong hiệp 2 khiến cả hai ứng viên đều phải nỗ lực trong hiệp đấu cuối.

Sang hiệp 3, Viitanen tiếp tục gây sức ép với hàng loạt pha rượt đuổi và ra đòn tầm gần uy lực. Cú móc trái mạnh khiến trọng tài phải đếm với Linh. Thể lực cả hai đã giảm xuống sau nhiều pha đổi đòn. Các pha trả đòn sau đó của Linh khiến Viitanen không thể đạt được hiệu quả trong những pha tấn công. Chung cuộc, Hà Thị Linh giành chiến thắng tính điểm 4-1, mang về tấm vé Olympic Paris 2024 thứ hai cho Boxing Việt Nam cùng người đồng đội Võ Thị Kim Ánh (54kg nữ).

#webthethao #boxing #olympics #olympicparis2024 #hathilinh
Elorde boxers
June 1, 2024


The Hanoi Hitman is looking to make up for lost time, and will be back in the ring in Russia this coming July.
The beautiful Baltic city of Saint Petersburg will provide the backdrop to a compelling match up with outstanding Uzbekistan boxer Khurshidbek Rasuljonov (7-0 3KO)
23 year old Rasuljonov is a 3x national champ, a 2x Asian champ, and maintains a flawless professional record.
The bout will be a contested over 8 rounds, and represents another great opportunity for Nguyễn Văn Hải to make his mark abroad. 
The Hanoi boxer has no opportunity to shine in his home country of Vietnam unfortunately, where professional boxing appears to be in freefall right now.
Elorde boxers
May 29, 2024



Did you know that there are over 50 global sanctioning organizations that offer various champion titles in the world? They are mostly private organizations that market their brand(s). However the four most recognized ones are : WBO, WBC, WBA, IBF.

Each of the above four organizations offer different regional championship titles and there are a lot of them! Here are some regional titles that may be available for qualified boxers in the Asia Pacific region.  

Note that considering that there are at least 17 weight divisions, there will be a minimum of 17 champions for each regional belt. If you add them all up, there are over 391 championship titles just for men alone. If you include all possible female champions, at least 690 championship titles are available.  

IBF (International Boxing Federations) 
1. IBF ASIA (male)
4. IBF INTERNATIONAL (male/female)
6. IBF YOUTH (male)

WBA (World Boxing Association)
1. WBA ASIA EAST (male)
2. WBA ASIA SOUTH (male)
3. WBA ASIA (male/female)
4. WBA OCEANIA (male)
5. WBA INTERNATIONAL (male/female)

WBC (World Boxing Council)
1. WBC FAR EAST (male)
3. WBC ASIAN (male/female)

WBO (World Boxing Organization)
1. WBO ORIENTAL (male)
2. WBO ASIA PACIFIC (male/female)
3. WBO GLOBAL (male)

So which should you go for? What is available for the boxer is almost entirely dependent on the promoter and their preference in working with the sanctioning organizations. Do you have a preference?

#vietnamboxingorganization #VBO #championsleague #championship #regionaltitles #professionalboxing
Elorde boxers
May 28, 2024

"Bà mẹ 2 con" Hà Thị Linh

💥Cách đây ít phút boxer Hà Thị Linh đã có chiến thắng ấn tượng trước đối thủ khó nhằn Ana Starovoitova ở trận ra quân hạng 60 kg nữ môn boxing vòng loại cuối cùng tìm vé đến Olympic Paris 2024.👊

"Bà mẹ 2 con" Hà Thị Linh thắng thuyết phục 4-1 sau 3 hiệp đấu trước tay đấm người Litva từng 2 lần giành HCĐ châu Âu. Sau đây 2 ngày Hà Thị Linh sẽ bước vào màn so găng kế tiếp. Boxer từng 2 lần vô địch SEA Games này là một trong những niềm hy vọng sẽ kiếm tìm thêm suất dự Olympic Paris cho boxing Việt Nam.

Hiện boxing Việt Nam mới có 1 suất chính thức dự Olympic Paris và nó thuộc về Võ Thị Kim Ánh, người xuất sắc giành vé ở vòng đấu loại hồi tháng 3 năm nay...🇻🇳
#Webthethao #Boxing #HàThịLinh
Elorde boxers
May 29, 2024


Saturday June 22nd Cataingan, Masbate
This has to be one of the best fight cards of the year !
Elorde boxers
May 28, 2024


A hotly disputed "win" against Lomachenko showed the cracks. 
But his first foray against a similar sized, yet supposedly way lesser boxer, ended in total disaster - and confirmed what many had suspected. 
Haney : No weapons - No chin. 
The cloak of invincibility has well and truly been lifted on Devin Haney - who has campaigned with the appropriate ring monicker - The Dream.

Devin Haney - the over rated champ nobody wants to see again ?
*story courtesy of Boxing News 24

Devin Haney has captured world titles in two weight classes by age 25, but few fans are impressed with what he’s accomplished during his nine-year career.
Haney stepped up for the first time last month against Ryan Garcia on April 20th, and he was out of his league. He was dropped six times and lost a 12-round decision. Fans were left wondering what they had ever seen in Haney. His reputation has nosedived since, and it’s difficult for fans to view him still as a world champion. The WBC allowed Haney to keep his light welterweight title despite losing.
That performance had a devasting effect on Haney’s career, resulting in fans no longer viewing him as the #1 fighter in the 140-lb division and feeling that they’d been wrong about their previously high appraisal of him after his win against Regis Prograis last December. Before Haney’s loss to Ryan, some fans thought he’d beaten the best fighter in the weight class when he defeated the 35-year-old Prograis. I didn’t feel that way.

Watching Prograis lose to Josh Taylor in 2019 showed that he was flawed from the start. That fight showed all I needed to know about Prograis because Tyalor was always an average fighter. That’s Why Nobody Wants The Rematch Fans should want to see a rematch, but they don’t have faith in Haney that he can raise his game enough to avenge his loss to Ryan (25-1, 20 KOs).
The fans saw all they needed to, watching Ryan put Haney in trouble in the opening seconds of round one and continuing to batter him for the remainder of the fight. In the seventh, Haney was knocked down four times and seemingly saved by the referee, Harvey Dock, who inexplicably penalized Ryan for hitting on the break after he grew frustrated at the nonstop holding that was being done.
Devin was trying to stall out the round after the first knockdown, and Ryan got fed up with being held excessively and instinctively hit Haney when the referee peeled him off. No warning had been given to Ryan before the penalization.

Many fans consider Haney the weakest of the four champions at 140 because of his questionable chin and his fighting style, which involves a lot of clinching, jabbing, and moving around the ring. The other champions at 140 :
- Teofimo Lopez 
– Subriel Matias 
– Isaac Cruz 
Haney would lose to all those champions and likely get knocked out if he couldn’t clinch excessively once he was hurt, as we saw in his fight with Ryan.
Elorde boxers
May 23, 2024


Acclaimed boxing trainer Joe Goosen shares his thoughts on the recent Ryan Garcia controversy. 
He also makes the interesting assertion that the talented fighter is one of the best he has ever trained ! 
*story courtesy Boxing Scene :

There is no bad blood between former fighter-trainer tandem Ryan Garcia and Hall of Fame coach Joe Goossen. 

Garcia split from Goossen after three fights last year following his knockout loss to Gervonta Davis and has since linked up with Derrick James. 

On April 20, the heavy underdog Garcia knocked down Devin Haney three times to win a majority decision. But the victory has been surrounded by controversy. 

Garcia blew weight for the 140-pound fight by 3.2 pounds, and on May 1, tests revealed that Garcia tested positive for the banned performance-enhancing substance Ostarine on the day of and the day before the fight.

Haney has since requested that the New York State Athletic Commission disqualify Garcia. 

Garcia has maintained his innocence as he awaits the results of his B-sample, and his former coach, Goossen, is backing him, too. 

“I’ve known Ryan ever since he was a teenager, and I have nothing but great things to say about him because he has a great heart,” Goossen told BoxingScene. “He’s one of the best fighters I’ve ever trained. He’s got so much talent that it’s not even funny. He’s got everything.

“I trained Ryan for two years straight and never saw anything remotely close to the same galaxy of what is being talked about now. It wasn't even talked about. Ryan would never knowingly do something like that. When he trained with me, he was dedicated. He always worked hard. Nothing about Ryan would lead me even to speculate anything in that direction. No way. Something isn't right. I can not point the finger at Ryan. None of it makes sense to me. In my wildest dreams, I cannot conceive of Ryan Garcia purposely doing anything that would endanger his career in such a way.” 

Goossen guided Garcia to wins against Emmanuel Tagoe and Javier Fortuna, but Garcia couldn’t overcome the southpaw Davis. 

Goossen envisions a promising future for Garcia once he gets back into fight mode. 

“Ryan will never lose to a right-hander,” said Goossen. “He's going to be great at 147 pounds because he won't have to kill himself to make weight. He's tall and has a big frame. It's amazing and almost frightening to see him hit bags and hit people. He's one of the fastest, smartest, hardest hitters per square inch I have ever dealt with, and that's saying something.”
Elorde boxers
May 25, 2024



Elorde boxers
May 24, 2024


Trong ngày ra quân, võ sĩ Nguyễn Văn Đương phải chạm trán một đối thủ tương đối mạnh. Đó là Jean Carlos Caicedo Pachito (Ecuador), người từng tham dự Olympic Paris.

Trước một đối thủ có trình độ và kinh nghiệm thi đấu tương đương, đại diện Việt Nam đã thi đấu chủ động. Anh tấn công từ khá sớm, đồng thời giữ cự ly mỗi khi cảm thấy đối thủ muốn chờ cơ hội phản đòn.

Trận đấu khép lại trong 3 hiệp, với chiến thắng bằng tính điểm dành cho Nguyễn Văn Đương. Anh sẽ thi đấu trận tiếp theo trong ngày 28/4 tới.

Sau khởi đầu tốt của Nguyễn Văn Đương, Boxing Việt Nam còn một VĐV khác thi đấu trong ngày đầu tiên. Đó là Hoàng Ngọc Mai, võ sĩ thi đấu hạng cân 66kg nữ.

📸 ithethao

#vothuatvietnam #ithethaovn #vothuatithethao #boxingvietnam #boxing #olympic
Elorde boxers
May 22, 2024


All set and ready to go.
Wishing the team a successful and lucky tournament for the Olympics qualifiers. 
Elorde boxers
May 13, 2024


Let's find out who is Asia's best Lightweight fighter this Saturday night.

The Hanoi Hitman Nguyễn Văn Hải (6wins 1 loss) 🇻🇳 takes on the best fighter in China right now 🇨🇳 - Yongquiang Yang (15 wins 0 loss)
The China boy can bang too - he has 12 knockouts on his resume.

Nguyễn Văn Hải v Yongquiang Yang 10 rounds
WBO Oriental Lightweight championship 61kg
Jiagen Sport Centre Xiamen China 
Saturday May 18th
Elorde boxers
May 12, 2024


Mexican 🇲🇽 Kenbun Torres departs the Philippines today, and bumps into last night's opponent at Ninoy Aquino - champion Reymart Gaballo. 

"I spotted my opponent walking alone through the airport
It's Reymart Gaballo !
I was full of nerves and aggression when we are together at the weigh-in - that is a fighter.
But I couldn't help but shout out to the brave man who gave me an opportunity, and swapped punches in the same ring. 
I don't know the words to express my appreciation but I shook hands and hugged.
Maybe someday we can fight again, I know Reymart is a great fighter for the Philippines. 
I want to pay respect from the bottom of my heart to Reymart Gaballo and the people that were so kind to me when I visited this special place.
Thank you. "
Elorde boxers
May 10, 2024

Vasiliy Lomachenko và Georges Kambosos Jr

Cái tên Vasyl Lomachenko không phải là cái tên xa lạ gì đối với những người yêu thích quyền anh "đẹp".

Dù ở thời kỳ đỉnh cao hay hiện tại, trước khi chuyển sang chuyên nghiệp, anh đã có 2 lần giành HCV Olympic, 1 thành tích đáng tự hào mà nhiều tay đấm trẻ hướng tới. Và chẳng cần đến trận đấu thứ ba trong sự nghiệp chuyên nghiệp của mình, Lomachenko đã trở thành kẻ thách thức các đai vô địch quyền anh thế giới, một con quái vật mà bất kỳ vị vua nào cũng dè chừng.

Trận đấu với Georges Kambosos Jr vào ngày 12/5 tới là lần thượng đài đầu tiên của Vasiliy Lomachenko (17-3 Boxing, 11 KO) kể từ thất bại trước Devin Haney hồi tháng 5/2023, cuộc đối đầu xác định chủ nhân chức vô địch tuyệt đối với 4 danh hiệu WBC, WBA, IBF và WBO đã để lại nhiều tranh cãi bởi kết quả trên bảng điểm.

Ở tuổi 36, tất cả đều hiểu rằng thời gian để Lomachenko cạnh tranh ở cấp độ đỉnh cao không còn nhiều, dù anh vẫn được biết tới như một trong các võ sĩ có kĩ thuật và bộ pháp đứng đầu làng Quyền Anh đương đai. Dù vậy, bản thân Lomachenko vẫn muốn dành sự ưu tiên trong việc giúp đỡ những người dân quê nhà Ukraine trong cuộc chiến đang diễn ra, lý do khiến anh vắng bóng suốt một năm qua.

Những chấn thương vai kể từ cuộc đối đầu với Teofimo Lopez năm 2020 cũng là nỗi lo của những người hâm mộ "Hi-Tech", bởi khả năng tấn công của tay đấm từng giành 2 HCV Olympic (2008 & 2012) đến từ việc kiểm soát trận đấu bằng số lượng đòn đấm vượt trội. Và hơn thế, đối thủ Georges Kambosos Jr của anh cũng là một cái tên có phong cách thi đấu tương tự.

Cuộc đối đầu giữa Vasiliy Lomachenko và Georges Kambosos Jr sẽ diễn ra vào sáng Chủ Nhật ngày 12/5 theo giờ Việt Nam. Webthethao.vn sẽ tiếp sóng sự kiện Boxing đáng chú ý của làng Boxing thế giới tới quý vị khán giả.

#webthethao #boxing #vothuat #quyenanh #VasiliyLomachenko #GeorgeKambososJr
Elorde boxers
May 10, 2024


Nguyễn Văn Hải getting ready for the biggest stage of his career - the WBO Oriental Lightweight championship to be held in Xiamen China next week. 
Vietnam 🇻🇳 legend Nguyễn Văn Hải 6-1 3KO will challenge China 🇨🇳 top rated fighter Yongquiang Yang 15-0 12KO for the prestigious belt. 
The championship match will take place at the Jiagen Sport Center in Xiamen on Saturday May 18th. 

#vietnamboxingorganization #vspboxing #Webthethao #VSPPromotions
Elorde boxers
May 9, 2024


Without doubt the smaller man, but Mexican Kenbun Torres hits Manila in a rich vein of form, and promises nightmares for local champ Reymart Gaballo tomorrow night at the Midas Hotel and Casino. 
Torres was beaten by Viet star and WBO belt holder Tran Van Thao, before making amends with a dominant win over China's tough Chengcheng Yang. 
The China boxer subsequently knocked out one of Australia's most hyped fighters - the previously unbeaten Rocky Ogden, to cement the serious claims of Kenbun Torres in tomorrow's big showdown.
The great card brought to you by SanMan Promotions will take place at the Midas Hotel and Casino in Manila. 

Weigh-in results from Pasay City, Philippines:
🇵🇭 Marlon Tapales 119.6 lbs.
🇹🇭 Nattapong Jankaew 121.4 lbs.
*vacant WBC Asian Continental Super Bantamweight Title

🇵🇭 Reymart Gaballo 119.8 lbs.
🇲🇽 Kenbun Torres 117.8 lbs.
*8 rounds / non-title
Elorde boxers
May 7, 2024


Nguyễn Văn Hải v Yongquiang Yang 
WBO Global Lightweight Title
Xiamen China Saturday May 18th
Vietnam 🇻🇳 champ v China 🇨🇳 champ !!!!
True romance !!!

#VSPPromotions #vietnamboxingorganization #Webthethao #vspboxing
Elorde boxers
May 6, 2024


In the curtain raiser of the Inoue-Nery gigantic promotion at Tokyo Dome, former IBF junior feather champ TJ Doheny (26-4, 20 KOs), 121.75, decked an easy TKO victory over previously unbeaten Filipino Bryl Bayogos (7-1-1, 2 KOs), 121.5, at 2:51 of the fourth round in a scheduled eight on Monday. 
Doheny quickly caught the still nervous and stiff Filipino and dropped him with solid body shots twice in the third, and followed up so furiously that the referee called a well-timed halt in round four, when Bayogos fell down again. 
Doheny scored his fourth triumph in as many bouts in Japan since he dethroned then IBF ruler Ryosuke Iwasa on points in 2018. 
The Irishman TJ, now residing in Australia for years, is gunning for a shot at “Monster” Naoya Inoue. Doheny had been supposed to fight Inoue should Luis Nery become unavailable by any inconvenience, but it eventually didn’t materialize with Nery successfully having made weight.
Elorde boxers
May 6, 2024


Congratulations to Vietnam hero Van Thao Tran for a unanimous decision win over Jakrawut Majungoen for the NEW WBO GLOBAL Bantamweight champion.
Elorde boxers
May 4, 2024


All boxers passed the weight in today for tomorrow's Triple WBO title event,
For the Vacant WBO Global Bantamweight title, and the vacant WBO Global Featherweight title and the vacant WBO International Flyweight title!
Here in Goheung, Korea.

Other Promotions