The BIGGEST and the BEST boxing event in the history of Vietnam is here. With over 25,000 live spectators and 80million views on social media, the show lights up the night sky of legendary Hoan Kiem lake in the capital of Vietnam.
Hoan Kiem Lake
October 19, 2019
@tue_tam_boxing (Nguyen Thi Tam) is definitely a girl that's got it all to make it as a professional boxer. As an amateur, she swept top spots in Vietnam and abroad. She is currently ranked #1 in the world in Boxrec as an amateur. There no more to prove in Amateur competitions. Is it time for her to go pro?
#nguyenthitam #victory8boxing #vsppromotions #boxingtraining #professional #proboxing #girlboxer
A meteroic two years for the King's Warrior Charly Suarez, a Philippines amateur star and relative late comer to the professional ranks.
Since January 2021 Suarez has had 10 fights,10 wins, a Philippines national title, and also WBA and IBF Regional titles.
Now Philippines #1 and World #52
And you ain't seen nothing yet !
VSP Promotions are looking towards doing many more events next year after the recent success of "Fortunes of War".
VSP Boxing will host 10 events in 2023 for local Vietnam boxers who are wanting to join the pro ranks. These will kick off in February.
We will also be doing 3 big international shows bring top foreign boxers into Vietnam - the first of these being scheduled for March.
And Victory8 will be back !
Think Hoan Kiem Lake in Hanoi and 25,000 people!
More updates on a massive 2O23 coming soon !
In great news for fight fans, Claudevan Sese is all set to return to the ring this October, after an extended hiatus during lockdown.
The firebrand style of Mr. Heart Throb has been sorely missed of late, being so distinguishable by his fast hands and feet, and even the theatrical style that he brings to the ring each time.
And if you need reminding, here is a glimpse of Claudevan Sese back in 2019, when he took on a former Vietnam national champion, the "smiling assassin" Tran Van An.
The last time we brought fighters from around the world to Vietnam, the response was quite unbelievable.
The Legends of Hoan Kiem show in Hanoi attracted a crowd of 25,000, and was viewed by millions more on live TV and streaming. The matches from that historic event have since generated more than 30 million views.
Vietnam's best will be matched with top professional fighters around the world in an electric 4 round format. Fast and furious!
We are currently scouting for iconic locations in HCMC and Vung Tau.
Breaking news on this soon.
This was a classic match up, held at the iconic Hoan Kiem Lake in the Vietnam capital of Hanoi.
This fight attracted a crowd of 25,000 people, and a television audience of millions.
Expect to see another big Victory8 event make its long awaited return in HCMC later this year.
Vietnam team and Victory8 boxer Thomas "Infamous" Wu finally makes his pro debut in Florida this Friday night.
Thomas Wu was part of a high talent Vietnam team that took on international boxers in Hanoi in late 2019, and he put on a great display, trading punches with Australasian champion Michael Pengue.
22 year old Wu will take on Anthony Curtiss, a veteran with 3 wins on his resume.
Both these fighters are extremely tall for welterweights, with Vietnam atomic blonde Thomas Wu at over 6 feet and no problems on the scales. This debut fight will be over 4 rounds, and based on his performance at Victory8, expect to see INFAMOUS to kick some butt and make some seriously noise !
Bên cạnh các hoạt động của Boxing bán chuyên như việc tập trung lực lượng chuẩn bị cho SEA Games 31, ASIAD 19 sẽ diễn ra trong năm 2022, phương hướng phát triển nền Boxing chuyên nghiệp Việt Nam là một trong những chủ đề được quan tâm trong thời gian trở lại đây.
Cùng với các cấp quản lý nhà nước như Bộ môn Boxing - Tổng cục Thể dục thể thao hay Liên đoàn Boxing Việt Nam, sự xuất hiện của những đơn vị tư nhân đã thổi một làn gió mới vào quá trình đào tạo các võ sĩ chuyên nghiệp. Dù vậy, để có thể thực sự tổ chức một nền boxing nhà nghề thực thụ, Boxing Việt Nam cần có những thay đổi nào. Ông Vũ Đức Thịnh, trưởng bộ môn Boxing/Kickboxing, Tổng cục Thể dục thể thao đã có những chia sẻ về vấn đề này.
PV: Trong thời gian vừa qua, Boxing Việt Nam đã chứng kiến một số lần hợp tác giữa các đơn vị quản lý nhà nước với những đơn vị tư nhân, ông đánh giá thế nào về tính hiệu quả của sự hợp tác này?
Ông Vũ Đức Thịnh: Trước đây, bộ môn cũng đã làm việc với các trung tâm đào tạo võ sĩ chuyên nghiệp, như Nguyễn Văn Đương với VSP, Trương Đình Hoàng tại Saigon Sports Club. Các vận động viên được tập trung tập huấn, thi đấu nhiều và thể lực chuyên môn tăng lên rất tốt. Về trường hợp của Thu Nhi, tôi cũng đã sang Campuchia theo dõi trận đấu tranh đai WBO Châu Á – Thái Bình Dương. Tôi đánh giá Cocky Buffalo là đơn vị rất tâm huyết trong việc đưa các võ sĩ thi đấu chuyên nghiệp.
Một số vận động viên từ đội tuyển Quốc gia cũng từng tham gia các sự kiện do Cocky Buffalo tổ chức. Trong thời gian tới khi tình hình dịch bệnh được kiểm soát, chúng tôi sẽ làm việc lại với CLB để có phương án hỗ trợ vận động viên đội tuyển tập luyện, thi đấu chuyên nghiệp tăng tính cọ xát.
PV: Theo như nguyện vọng của một số đơn vị, ông có thấy cần phải đưa ra một cơ chế hợp tác chung, thay vì các trường hợp đơn lẻ như trước đây?
Ông Vũ Đức Thịnh: Về vấn đề này, đúng là cần có một cơ chế làm việc. Ví dụ như trường hợp của võ sĩ Nguyễn Văn Đương, khi kí hợp đồng với VSP để thi đấu chuyên nghiệp nhưng vẫn do đội tuyển Quốc gia quản lý. Có nhiều phương án, ví dụ như để võ sĩ kí hợp đồng thi đấu các sự kiện do công ty tổ chức nhằm tăng khả năng cọ xát. Hoặc các công ty cùng với đội tuyển chi trả lương cho võ sĩ tập luyện thi đấu song song.
PV: Lại nói về vấn đề chuyên nghiệp hóa Boxing Việt Nam trong thời gian qua, các đơn vị tư nhân cũng có tâm tư về những hạn chế trong việc phát triển Boxing chuyên nghiệp, ông có nhận định gì về vấn đề này?
Đặc biệt, trong thời gian tới, Boxing Việt Nam cần có những thay đổi gì để phù hợp với những cơ hội trước mắt?
Ông Vũ Đức Thịnh: Quả thực, Việt Nam chưa tổ chức được các giải chuyên nghiệp, những sự kiện đã xuất hiện đều do những công ty, đơn vị tư nhân tự thân thực hiện. Như VSP với Victory 8, Cocky Buffalo chủ động đưa VĐV ra nước ngoài thi đấu, cách làm này rất tốt mà theo tôi các cơ quan quản lý cũng cần chung tay thực hiện.
Trên thực tế, Liên đoàn Quyền Anh Việt Nam đã có tổ chức Ban chuyên nghiệp để thực hiện những công tác trên. Tuy nhiên trong thời gian vừa qua, Ban chuyên nghiệp theo tôi đánh giá hoạt động vẫn chưa hiệu quả và không đóng góp được gì vào công tác chuyên nghiệp hóa cho Boxing Việt Nam.
Thời gian tới, khi Liên đoàn Quyền Anh Việt Nam tổ chức kiện toàn lại bộ máy, theo tôi, ta có thể chọn ra một trong số các công ty có năng lực, tiếp xúc những Liên đoàn quốc tế để tổ chức các sự kiện chuyên nghiệp.
Tôi đã từng làm việc với một số đơn vị, nếu ta giao công tác của Ban chuyên nghiệp cho đơn vị tư nhân, họ có quyền đào tạo vận động viên, đồng thời có nhiệm vụ kêu gọi tài trợ để đầu tư cho Boxing Việt Nam. Họ cũng rất sẵn sàng với phương án này.
Khi đó, Liên đoàn và Bộ môn có thể tập trung đào tạo hệ bán chuyên, còn Ban chuyên nghiệp và công ty tư nhân sẽ đảm nhận nhiệm vụ với hệ chuyên nghiệp, bao gồm tổ chức thi đấu hoặc có thể cả tranh đai quốc tế.
Nếu tổ chức lại được bộ máy Liên đoàn Boxing Việt Nam và Ban chuyên nghiệp hoạt động đúng như tên gọi và vai trò, tôi tin các sự kiện thi đấu chuyên nghiệp sẽ được tổ chức thường xuyên hơn, tạo thêm nhiều cơ hội thi đấu cho các vận động viên.
Xin cảm ơn ông !!!
World team fighter and Vietnam nemesis Jye Lane Taylor returns to the ring at the Star Centre in Sydney tonight.
It is the first time the "Fast Lane" has being sighted since June this year, when he knocked out Aussie Paul Roberts in impressive fashion.
Boxing fans will remember Victory8 Hanoi 2019, where Jye Lane Taylor put on a clinic against quality Vietnam team member Pham Duc Doan. Jye is one of the best prospects in Australian boxing, and everyone at VSP is wishing him lots of luck in tonight's battle with Manuer Matet.
The handsome Philippines boxer is no other than "Mr. Heartthrob" Claude Van Sese here in Hanoi with the Vietnamese beauties. Sese came to Vietnam to participate in the famous Victory8 boxing event organized by VSP Boxing on Oct 19, 2019. The event drew over 25,000 spectators and over 50million views on social media. Sese faced Nguyen Van Gioi who is probably one of the best boxers in Vietnam who possesses speed and good ring strategy. You can catch all the action at VSP Promotions' YouTube Channel.
So, you are watching a boxing match and it is clear that Boxer A is getting his faced punched in by the Boxer B. After many rounds, the final bell rings and you are 100% certain that the Boxer B had won the fight but suddenly judges award the win to the Boxer A and you are left thinking "what just happened?". This post will shed some light as to how this could easily happen.
At VSP, we have our own boxing gym (VSP Boxing) where boxers under company management are trained for professional matches. We also have our own boxing promotions company (VSP Promotions). We even have our own boxing event brand called Victory8. What I am about to tell you is something which happens behind the curtains that may help you understand why some boxing matches end up favoring a boxer who you are quite sure lost the match.
To fully understand what happens, you need to put yourself in the shoe of the Boxer and his/her manager. the manager generally thinks that if the boxer has an "unbeaten" record, it will help him go up the rank. This achieves two objectives. It can lead to the manager asking more money for the boxer to fight from the promoter. Secondly, the manager is hoping that a streak of victorious matches will allow the boxer to fight for the championship title which can be quite lucrative. Depending on the country/region, a regional championship title can earn 5~10,000 USD while world title can be anywhere from 50,000~1,000,000 dollars earning per fight depending on many factors which I will post another time. So, if you are the manager for the boxer, you would think your job is to try to get the boxer to fight an opponent whom you are quite confident can be beaten. (This often leads to a terrible quality fight because it is lopsided match).
Promoter (that's us) is the company that organizes and pays for everything and everyone. Here, "everyone" includes the boxers, referees, and the judges. Now, what happens when boxers are managed by a company instead of an individual? And what if that company happens to also be the "Promoter" of an event in which those boxers fight?
Let's think about a situation whereVSP has organized a boxing event in Vietnam between our Vietnamese fighters and Thai fighters. To make the scoring "fair", VSP flies in referees & judges (R&J) from Japan, China, and the Philippines. The promoter would be paying for their flight tickets, their fees, hotel, meals, as well as transportation. Lobbying can start even before the R&J arrive in Vietnam.
How about this: The promoter upgrades the flights of R&J to a business class and personally picks them up from the airport. The promoter then put them in a nice hotel with complementary drinks and takes them out to good restaurants. There, he talks about how wonderful some of the boxers are in the event (our boxers of course). The promoter never once said who the judges should vote for but as you can see, the R&J may have started to develop a certain bias.
Did you know that R&J are often part time jobs for many? Imagine you are one of the judges invited to come to Vietnam. You are treated very well, paid well, and even taken around by the promoter for shopping. You know that some of the boxers in the event are managed by the promoter. Now, let's say the fight was a close fight, who would you favor? If you voted against the promoter's boxer, maybe you won't be invited in the next event. Perhaps your professionalism would be so solid that none of these treatments would affect your judgement but would you be able to say the same for all of your peers?
At VSP, we don't believe in setting up our boxers to win in a match. How would a boxer improve if he is fighting an opponent worse than him all the time? We think this is a remanent of the old ways. Instead, we match our fighters such that the spectators would enjoy watching! What is the point of putting up boring shit fights that nobody wants to watch? We tell all our boxers, "It is not our job to make you win. It is our job to give you worthy challengers that will push yourself to be better" The boxing world need to change and embrace a new paradigm where the focus should be putting up fights that are 50:50 and that leads to exciting fights that viewers can appreciate and thus drive more following.
Let's change the old ways and make Boxing Great Again!
Michael Pengue has been a regular fixture at VSP and Victory8 events in Vietnam. The Aussie boxer was outstanding in his performances for the World team, so it gave us all at VSP a lot of gratification and pride when Pengue raised the WBC Australasian belt recently.
Mickey Pengue had way too few opportunities to showcase his skills since 2019, but his WBC win was a really staunch reminder of what this talented fighter is capable of when in form. Jorge Kapeen proved to be a quality opponent, and he was the measuring stick that qualified it was a great return for Pengue to grind out an emphatic unanimous win.
Pengue, who is trained by Tony Del Vecchio at the world famous Bondi Boxing Club, will now take a well earned break, before setting sights on some bigger opportunities in 2022.
Vietnam's Nguyen Van Hai makes a dream come true for the rugged and too hard to tame pinoy Jino Rodrigo, who makes this special request:
The King's Warrior Charly Suarez does more of the "Walk the Walk" when he tackles the outstanding Roldan Aldea for the WBA Asia title. Suarez has been on a rampaging path up the world rankings, and the non believers are becoming quieter and quieter! Be in zero doubt, SUAREZ is the Philippines BEST FIGHTER, so don't miss the chance to see an icon of the sport this March in Manila.
Vietnamese lightweight Nguyen Van Hai (2-0, 1 KO) has been challenged to fight dangerous Pinoy “The Silent Beast” Jino Rodrigo of Antipolo, Rizal in March; and the tough challenge has been accepted, said VSP Boxing Promotions earlier today.
The fight will fire up the ring as part of an exciting event in March in Manila, headlined by unbeaten hard-hitting Davaeño super featherweight “King’s Warrior” Charly Suarez (9-0, 6 KO’s). The Vietnamese 135-pounder Nguyen Van Hai has long been regarded as a excellent, experienced amateur fighter, although he hasn’t seen any action at all in 30 long months. Still, Hai has kept himself running, working out, sparring, and profusely sweating every day in the gym, with the mind set of “never giving up.”
As an amateur boxer, Nguyen Van Hai won the Vietnam national championships, and claimed medals in Asian Games in various weight-classes. But due to limited opportunities to battle as a pro, Nguyen Van Hai hasn’t fought much, currently being unbeaten in just 2 fights one of them he won by KO. That’s why, Nguyen Van Hai signed with VSP Boxing Promotions last year, in an attempt to kick off his pro boxing career, searching for a brighter future for his family.
By Carlos Costa
Sat, 11 Dec 2021
Big congratulation to one of the most popular boxers to compete in Vietnam at VSP events. Mickey Pengue was twice a World Team member at the big Victory8 shows, and Vietnam fighters commented that the style of Pengue was their favourite amongst the visiting team.Michael Pengue was part of a crack international squad that fought in Vietnam in late 2019, and included pinoys Charly Suarez, Jenel Lausa and Virgel Vitor.
December 24, 2024
Dear Partners,
I would like to take this moment to first wish you and your family a safe and blessed holiday season.
This annual report serves as a benchmark for our progress and a commitment to transparency in our operations. In 2024, a notable decline occurred in the number of professional boxing events held domestically. This downturn was primarily attributed to the cessation of grassroots events by VSP Promotions, a key promoter that played a crucial role in introducing new talent to the domestic professional boxing scene.
The challenges faced in organizing professional boxing events in Vietnam intensified in 2024 compared to the previous year, a reflection of the current market conditions. We anticipate this trend to persist in 2025 due to the continued existence of an unsupportive environment for event organizers, fostered by the local amateur boxing federation.
VBO organized the gathering of 10 commissions in Asia in 8/2024. It is our view that Asia has a fundamental challenge in how boxing is managed and supervised. Standardization and coherent cooperation models that have actionable and measurable outcomes will need to be developed in order to create more regional opportunities for the industry participants.
The VBO remains dedicated to securing international fight opportunities for Vietnamese boxers within safe environments. While the organization provides recommendations, the final decision to accept a fight rests solely with the boxers and their coaching teams.
VBO collects detailed performance data of each official in their assigned roles at every event. We compile these data for use towards training requirements to further improve their performance.
We hope that 2025 will bring more opportunities for the boxers between partnering countries and jointly continue to improve the quality of our officials. Have a wonderful holiday season! See you all in 2025.
Lim Song
President of Vietnam Boxing Organization