VSP PRO 8 - Fight 5

VSP PRO 8 - Fight 5


Excellent bout between two fighters making their debut - Team Manny boxer LÊ NGỌC MINH KHÔI and Khang Anh Martial Arts Club PHẠM LÊ GIA HUY. This was an excellent bout where both boxers adhered to basics, maintaining a decent punch volume throughout. Huy was the much taller boxer, and used his range well to outpoint his opponent, who often tried to broach distance with a high guard but lacking the fast head movement and jab. The Khang Anh boxer impressed the judges, and lots more wins seem assured. LÊ NGỌC MINH KHÔI was an excellent debut, but certainly had issues with the height and range of his opponent. He looks like a drop to 48-50kg class will suit him far better, and expect to see him winning with more experience under his belt.

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